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The Review of Regional Groundwater Quality Monitoring Well Network Plan

The objective of this project is to review the existing 431 groundwater quality monitoring wells. There were totally three work items being fulfilled in this project, which include evaluating: (1) the existing conditions of the existing regional groundwater monitoring wells; (2) the adequacy of distribution of the regional groundwater monitoring wells; (3) feasibility of the automatic monitoring of the regional groundwater monitoring wells. The results of this project can be provided as the executive references for the EPA. The achievements of this project are described as below: 1.Evaluation of the existing conditions of the existing regional groundwater monitoring well Based on the summary of monitoring and sampling relative records, field auditing results, and well conditions, we selected 61 wells for under-ground photo and micro-water tests. Results show that the most common problems are coatings or biological films on the well walls and sieves. Study shows the importance of periodic well washing and under-ground photo to maintain adequate conditions of the water quality monitoring wells. 2.Evaluation of the adequacy of distribution of the regional groundwater monitoring wells Based on water quality data , we utilize Mann-Kendall test to evaluate adequacy of the location distribution of the monitoring wells and to review the groundwater quality . A total of 75 monitoring wells show abnormal water quality. Which might due to sea water intrusion, ground settlement and nearby pollution sources. Therefore, we suggest first to investigate the representative of those groundwater monitoring wells with no obvious water level change but with abnormal water quality. 3.Evaluation of the feasibility of the automatic monitoring for the regional groundwater Due to lack of water quality coefficients and can’t satisfy all of demand, the groundwater quality can’t reflect the instantly condition. Based on current international and domestic cases, we suggest not installing the automatic monitoring system.
Regional,Groundwater Quality,Monitoring Well